Seljax POS Link is a two-way integration with your POS system.

Seljax POS link allows you to update your product information from your POS, including new products, product codes, descriptions, product lines, and multiple pricing. When you are finished an estimate, you can transfer the estimate into your POS for invoicing and shipping.


✓ Import Inventory

✓ Import Pricing

✓ Import Customers

✓ Export Estimate

✓ Export Pricing

✓ Export Special Orders

Seljax integrates with over 70 POS systems. Here are some of the common ones we work with.

✓ Cashier Pro

✓ Cybersoft


✓ Epicor

✓ Gemini

✓ Lumber Base

✓ MI9

✓ Northland


✓ Omni

✓ Paladin

✓ Prism

✓ ProfitMaster

✓ Progressive

✓ Retail Controller

✓ Rock Solid

✓ Silk Dimensions

✓ Spruce

✓ Tomax

✓ Versyss

Seljax can integrate with all POS companies.